
Beautiful images of plants and insects set out in  PDF format.

Download and enjoy these images.

Plants that have flowered since Cyclone Larry - Page 1

Plants that Have flowered since Cyclone Larry - Page 2

The Palmerston National Park after Cyclone Larry - July 2006

A busy day on the Xanthostemon umbrosus - Page 1

A busy day on the Xanthostemon umbrosus - Page 2

In the garden - October 2006 - Page 1

In the garden - October 2006 - Page 2

In the garden - November 2006 - Page 1

In the garden - November 2006 - Page 2

In the pink - or thereabouts - July 2006 - Page 1

In the pink - or thereabouts - July 2006 - Page 2

In the garden - August 2006

On the Tablelands - September 2006 - Page 1

On the Tablelands - September 2006 - Page 2

In the Garden December 2006, flowering; fruiting; new growth; plus a bit of wildlife - The largest number of species we have had flowering in any month.

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In the Garden January 2007.

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In the Garden February 2007.  This month:-   Flowers - Fruit - Foliage - Ferns - Insects.


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Page 8 - Ferns

Page 9 - Ferns

Page 10 - Insects

Page 11 - Insects

Page 12 - Insects

In the Garden March 2007.  Flowers - Fruit - Foliage - Insects.

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Page 9 - Insects

Page 10 - Insects

Page 11 - Insects

Page 12 - Insects

In the Garden April 2007.  Flowers - Fruit - Foliage - Insects.

Page 1 - Plants

Page 2 - Plants

Page 3 - Plants

Page 4 - Plants/Insects

Page 5 - Insects

Page 6 - Insects

In the Garden June 2007.  Flowers - Fruit - Foliage - Insects.

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In the Garden July 2007.

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Watch this space!  Sorry - we have not had time to do this sort thing anymore.

If you have a dial-up connection these pages will take some time to download as they vary from about 400 Kb to 2.0 Mb.

What happens when you click on these links depends on your Browser.  Firefox will open them in a separate window, some will start your download manager and download them.  As they are in PDF format you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5 or later.  If you are left with a blank window after downloading, just close it and you will get back to this page.

Some extra downloads:

Improving Your Garden Soil With Humic Acid and Liquid Gypsum

Complete list of plants in Zodiac Botanic Gardens

Making Windows Explorer More User Friendly

Note: We are not registered for GST so no tax will be added to any product.


Plant of the Month:  I will try to place a link to an image here each month - it may be flowers, fruit or foliage, depending on what is happening.

October 2013

These images are free:

If you find them interesting you can always send me a donation.  If you use them anywhere please acknowledge where they came from. 

 If you wish to make a donation, click on PayPal Donate button.  You can use your credit card to make the donation, just fill in the amount you wish to donate.  PayPal is the safe and easy way to send money on the internet.

See more downloads

Buying and using a digital camera

Editing your digital images

How to record records to Cds

and much more.

August 2013

August 2013

September 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013

November 2013

Fire - A hot topic at the moment!

Burning in Queensland’s Tropical Forests and the consequences - by Garry Sankowsky

*Burning in the Top End of the NT - by Greg Miles

You may also like to view the blog of David Rentz - search for ‘A Trip Through Hell’

*  This article has been removed from the Top End Native Plant site where it was first published.  It was republished in the May 2013 Newsletter of the Tablelands Branch of the Society for Growing Native Plants and this article is available with the above link.

 Garry & Nada Sankowsky