Originally sold on CD,s
Now as a download only
$30 download only.

After payment is made you will be sent a link to download a folder from Dropbox. This folder contains two sub folders:

Disk 2 - all files

New Disk 1

Original images are cropped to 1200 x 800

New disk 1” contains an installable slide show with all the images as shown on this page, with text overlay, showing the name of the plant.

Once installed, the slide show program can be used to view any jpg images that you have on your computer.

Disk 2 - All files” has all the images grouped in named folders for the location where they were taken, but without the text overlay.

In all there are about 860 images representing about 330 species.

With these images you can make the most spectacular screen saver you ever saw!

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 Garry & Nada Sankowsky